

This learning program allows you to learn and to embrace the specialized profession of Coach-Consultant and as a certified, practitioner by developing the acquisition of :

  • tools, 
  • methodology, 
  • professional techniques necessary for coaching
  • related areas of knowledge in social science.

The training provides face-to-face learning, practical training and personal work (thesis, reports, theoretical and practical case studies).

Participants and Accessibility

Transformation Consultants, HR and Transformation Officers within your Business, Executives, Directors, Managers.
This training and places of training are accessible to all persons carrying a disability and requests for other specific needs may be made directly to the Head of Learning.

The degree

Our training allows you to become a holistic transformation consultant and gives you tools and knowledge to support individuals, teams and organizations.

  • Certification recognized by the State, which corresponds to the official validation of the skills of a coach in the individual, collective, collective and organization, transformation, allowing you to acquire the dual certification: “Coach Consultant for Holistic transformation” and “individuals, teams and organizations”, registered with “France Compétences” under RNCP level 6 (reference number RNCP31970) and a specific directory (reference number RS5486)
  • A training program approved by the ICF, International Coach Federation (ACSTH)
  • Comprehensive training including individual, group, team and organizational coaching, and structured in blocks of acquired competencies,
  • Small groups of 20 participants to ensure care for all students’needs,
  • Personnalized post-training follow-up,
  • A membership in a network of professional coaches with a recognized label.


7 modules of 3 days each, spread over 7 months:

  • 2 days ½: CIC coaching – Matter expert moderation
  • ½ day: color transformer

The Learning Path

  • Module 1 – Foundations Coaching
  • Module 2 – Coaching and Development
  • Module 3 – Coaching and Performance
  • Module 4 – Group and Crew
  • Module 5 – Coaching Organization
  • Module 6 – Deploying your Coaching
  • Module 7 – Certification

Between the modules 1 and 2 individual phone meetings are held with every student and the Head of Learning and where your thesis theme is defined.

Following each module collective calls are held to discuss the thesis and the recording.

Between Workshop 3 and 4 a mid-term assessment and a collective call are made concerning the thesis and the coaching recording.


  • This training is for any person with a professional experience of a minimum of ten years in facilitation, management or human resources, in employment, in professional transition or job seeker, with the will to move towards coaching as an approach, to learn new skills to enrich their current practice and give new energy to their  professional orientation.
  • This training is also open to anyone with more than one year of activity in the coaching field through an Acquired Validation application (France).
  • Qualifications: Listening,  Openness and Commitment.

Launch of the training

  • Our teaching method will prioritize opportunities forexperimen,ting, training and discovery. All theoretical  discussions will be followed  practical exercises and feedback from participants.
  • The feedback evaluation for the participants is performed during the participation in the exercices. Each assessment will be followed by another exercise that will create opportunities for improvement and propose learning techniques to be  implemented.

Next session

The next session begins on september 2023, and registrations are open.

Our results

The content of the training met my expectations
0 %
Satisfaction concerning teaching staff
0 %
The training as a whole met my expectations
0 %
The tools are useful for me in my professional practice
0 %

Feedback from our clients

You are ready to join the adventure!

Fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly!